Sunday, January 1, 2017

Allspice Essential Oil | Nattyisisyah

Allspice essential oil is one oil that many aromatherapists overlook or may even avoid becaubeclike thyme oil, it has very strong healing, and somewhat unpleasant properties. However, if you are familiar with the allspice as an herb, you will want to get your ands on Allspice essential oil.

Allspice essential oil is known for its hints of clove, cinnamon and other spices. 

Allspice essential oil is a big evergreen tree, native to some Caribbean and South American countries. Jamaica dominates the production of Allspice berries, leaves and essential oil.

Allspice essential oil's medicinal name is Pimenta Dioica or Pimenta Officinalis.

Allspice is a number one ingredient in Jamaican cuisine. Adopted by many other cultures. Scandinavians are a major importer.

Allspice essential oil is beneficial for dental health, just like acacia gum, as it  is antibacterial, antiseptic and antimicrobial,  thus fights bacterial pathogens when used in toothpaste or as a gargle.

Allspice essential oil blends well with ginger, orange, lavender, geranium, patchouli and ylang-ylang.

Allspice essential oil is extracted from leaves and berries are by steam distillation.
Each plant oil differs depending on where its from

Allspice essential oil's chief constituents are cineol, caryophyllene, eugenol, methyl eugenol, and phellandrene.

anesthetic, analgesic, antioxidant, antiseptic, carminative, relaxant, rubefacient, stimulant, and tonic.

Antioxidant: Chemical compounds called eugenol, quercetin, tannins help neutralize free radicals from the body.

Anti-inflamatory: reduces inflammation. Relieves gout, arthritis, hemorrhoids and muscle aches. beneficial for recovery from surgery.

Immune Boosting: Beneficial against E. coli, Listeria monocytogenes, and other forms of food poison, including when added directly to your food.

Anesthetic: when applied has a locally numbing affect, but doesn't affect central nervous system. Beneficial fro neuralgia, bone and muscle injuries, joint strain and insect bites or stings.

Analgesic: anesthetic property enables analgesic affect by blocking the sense of pain from registering in the brain. Good for pain relief from headaches, colds, sinusitis, etc. Better than other pain killers that can permanently damage your heart, brain, and central nervous system.

Antiseptic: prevents wounds from bacterial infections that can become septic or turn into tetanus.

Carminative: Allspice essential oil reduces gas that causes flatulence, and indigestion.

Relaxant: Sedating and calming make it good for getting sleep, especially if you experience insomnia. Beneficial relief of cramps and spasms make it helpful for mensuration.

Rubefacient: Increase blood flow just below the skin giving you a youthful appearance.

Stimulant: stimulates blood flow, digestion and body secretions, such as lymphatic fluid, encourage good metabolism. Stimulates cell growth and development.

Tonic: Acts as a tonic by boosting immune system. Beneficial against colds, coughing, bronchitis, and arthritis.

Cautions: can irritate the mucus membranes in high concentration or large doses. Always use in low dosages and low concentrations. Avoid if pregnant.

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